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Questions from Tim

Comments from Chris M (from the Andrew Scott Blackjack school) in italics.

from the Hi Guy,

I have been a faithful follower of blackjack basic strategy for a while now, and as expected, have had mixed success.

Over the last couple of nights at the Casino (Crown in Melbourne), I have begun to play all seven boxes myself. This has led to some great results - turned 300 into 1500 tonight and 200 into 800 last Thursday night.

This is just an example of positive fluctuation. Anyone playing blackjack can have wins in the short term, even if they are playing poor strategy.

I assume there is no inherent advantage in playing all boxes myself, but it has been very successful. Can you shed any light on this?

Once again – short term positive fluctuation.

I have heard that some successful players always like to do this. One friend of mine insists that this is because having seven boxes in play reduces the number of low cards the dealer can get, e.g if it is one on one, the dealer has 16 aces per eight deck shoe, etc. I told him that this was stupid and it is the proportion that matters, but he insists the number of actual cards available to the dealer in a given shoe, rather than the proportion, are is what is important.

If you are playing basic strategy and not card counting, the only thing opening more boxes will do is ensure you lose quicker. This is due to you betting more money/hour. Fluctuation is slightly reduced by playing 2 boxes instead of one as often you will lose one box and win the other.

The same friend insisted also, that when you win a hand you should always increase your bet, as the chance of winning again after a winning hand is increased. I said this was one of the stupidest things I've ever heard - can you confirm I was right about this?

You are completely correct.

Also, I was in a debate with another mate the other night, and he was suggesting that doubling needs to be more limited to 'keep you in the game'. I countered with the argument that not taking your doubles when you should costs you money - when you are a statistical favourity, you owe it to yourself to be doubling. What are your thoughts on this?

You are completely correct. Correct doubling is an important part of basic strategy.

Also, do you have any statistics on how many cards/hands are dealt in an average eight deck shoe, depending on the number of players?

On average 2.7 cards are used per hand(for the player and dealer). Therefore if an 8 deck shoe is being used with 2 deck penetration (2 decks cut off by the cut card), 312 cards are in play. The following table lists the number of rounds with 1-7 players.

Players Rounds
1 58
2 39
3 29
4 23
5 19
6 17
7 14

Keep up the good work on the site, very informative and interesting. I know I have overloaded you with questions, but any reply would be greatly appreciated.



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